Day of Giving is TODAY!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday is the day we’ve all been waiting for, it’s the day when we get to see if all of our efforts have paid off, today is the COASTAL BEND DAY OF GIVING!!

That means, at 12am, November 15th Youth Odyssey, along with 44 other nonprofits, began a 24-hour fundraising event to raise as much money as we can for our cause. Every nonprofit has the same goal, raise a minimum of $16,670.

Why such a random number, you may ask? The Coastal Bend Community Foundation has spent the past year raising funds for this Day of Giving and, because they have raised so much money, they are going to match (double) our donations received during this 24-hour Day of Giving up to $16,670. So by setting our primary goal at $16,670,  which equals $33,340 after those funds are doubled.

20160616_170931Every dollar we raise above $16,670, will still goes to our cause and will help us expand our reach in the Coastal Bend to make an even greater impact among the at-risk youth in the surrounding area.

The minimum donation that can be given is $10, since every dollar counts, we are encouraging everyone to at least give $10 and it will be doubled to $20!

Here’s what your donations will allow us to do for the youth of the Coastal Bend:

  • $10 = Portable Team Challenges for an entire program session
  • $25 = A Day trip to go kayaking, canoeing or on a ropes course
  • $250 = Weekend camping trip for one youth

Remember, we only have 24-hours to make our match amount, so tell your friends, church, family, teachers, members of the community and out of staters too! Because the donations are made online anyone can give from any state or country so tell everyone and help us exceed our goal of $16,670!

Thank you! Click here to donate TODAY!